District Newsletter - June 23

District Newsletter - June 202
Posted on 06/22/2023
Message from the Superintendent: District Newsletter - June 2023

22 June 2023

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

On behalf of the Board of Education and the faculty and staff, thank you for your unwavering support and trust in our work with your child(ren). The success of 2022-2023 school year has been due, in large part, to our sense of shared-responsibility and our strong partnership.

Here is the June edition of our 
District Newsletter, which highlights our Grade 4 and Grade 8 classes as they move on to middle school and high school, respectively. We are so very proud of all of our students, as we celebrated their hard work and accomplishments this June.

Our District’s “Your Voice Matters” surveys remain open through 11:59 PM on 30 June 2023. These surveys are intended to gather input from all of our families, students (Grades 2-8), and teachers regarding their experiences this past school year. This process is aimed at keeping us fresh and in-tune with current stakeholder-feedback. The links to our District’s “Your Voice Matters” surveys are below. Please take the time to let me know your thoughts about our schools. Your voice is important to me!

The highlights of the findings from the “Your Voice Matters” surveys will be posted to our website for your perusal during the summer. The results will be used to anchor our practices, as appropriate, and to continue to better our schools in the months and years to come.          

The principals and I are already busy planning for next school year. By late July, you will receive notification that our Online Summer Packet has been released for the 2023-2024 school year. Until then, I wish you and your family a wonderful start to the summer season!


Danielle M. Da Giau, Ed.D. 
Superintendent of Schools
Old Tappan Public School District

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