31 March 2022
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
We are looking forward to the spring weather ahead of us and will be thrilled to know when the cold temperatures truly are behind us. To date, we have used only one (1) of our three (3) emergency closure days. Within a month, you will be sent a revised school year calendar showing the return of our unused emergency closure days at the end of June, which will solidify our last day of school.
Here is the March edition of our District Newsletter, which highlights some of our events over the past month.
On behalf of the Board of Education, faculty, and staff, I thank you for your continued support, as we work alongside you and your child(ren). Our schools are rich learning environments, in large part, due to the strong partnership we share.
Danielle M. Da Giau, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Old Tappan Public School District