E-Learning 12/17/20

E-Learning 12/17/20
Posted on 12/16/2020
Message from the Superintendent: E-Learning 12/17/20


Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Due to the impeding storm, our schools will shift to an e-Learning Day TOMORROW, Thursday, 17 December 2020.

Students will follow their school’s e-Learning schedule. If you happen to lose power in your home, we will understand that your child cannot log into the live classes or use the computer. If a teacher were to lose power, then he/she will not be able to teach live but should have asynchronous activities posted for the children. We hope this day gives the children an opportunity to continue with some learning activities, while also giving them the needed time to play outside!

Again, TBD and CDW will have an e-Learning Day TOMORROW.

Stay safe. Be well. And, thank you.


Danielle M. Da Giau, Ed.D. 
Superintendent of Schools/Acting Principal, CDW
Old Tappan Public School District

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